Located on Lake Cherokee in the Heart of the Piney Woods of East Texas
Lake Cherokee Veterans Memorial
Our Story
Most Lake Cherokee residents and shareholders would agree that fortune has smiled on us, and that we live in a magical place. We also know that the bigger picture is that the freedoms and privileges of Lake Cherokee, and East Texas, and the United States, was fought for by men and women who are mostly nameless to us.
How can we express our gratitude?
The Lake Cherokee Veterans Memorial will attempt to honor these individuals.
Your support is needed to create a lasting monument to military service men and women, and their families, who have endured separation from loved ones; disruptions in education and career; wounds in physical and mental health; and the ultimate sacrifice.
The Veterans Memorial has 3 main purposes:
First, to honor all veterans who are important to the residents of Lake Cherokee.
Second, to acknowledge the families and friends of veterans who have sacrificed in their own ways.
Third, to represent our dedication and support to our current fighting force. It is our way of thanking them as they leave their loved ones and friends. And, letting them know that when they return, they have a home in a place like Lake Cherokee.
Contact Us
Friends of the Lake Cherokee Veterans Memorial
The Lake Cherokee Veterans Memorial (LCVM) s a project driven by residents/shareholders. For more information on the Friends of LCVM, to donate, or to volunteer, see below for contact information.
Click on names below to email us.
Gina Archer
Time Archer
Rhonda Bullard
Bill Bussey
Bruce Bussey
Richard Cupps
Miguel A. Fabbiani
Guy Gauthier
Katheryn Courville Johnston, KAC135975@gmail.com donations & communications
John Morgan
Barrett Newsom
Ken Pope
Mary Jo Waddell
Thomas E. White, design & construction
Lake Cherokee Community Foundation
The Veterans Memorial is the first project of the newly formed Lake Cherokee Community Foundation (LCCF), a a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that grants funds to improve the quality of life of Lake Cherokee Residents.
The Mission of LCCF
Providing resources in response to the
educational, environmental, and human service needs
of the Lake Cherokee community.
All donations will go to LCCF and will be designated for the Veterans Memorial. LCCF will oversee expenditures of the Veterans Memorial project.
Contact LCCF
Do you have an idea for a project that falls in line with the Mission, and will improve the quality of life of Lake Cherokee residents, shareholders, and staff? Please contact us to discuss your ideas!
Email: information@LakeCherokeeCommunityFoundation.org
Website: www.LakeCherokeeCommunityFoundation.org
Join us!
Volunteer opportunities
Design and Construction
Fundraising Activities
Holiday Activities and Special Events
Communication (website, Chatter articles, promotional activities…)